Monday, February 11, 2013

Day One

Sunday, February 10

Today consisted mostly of driving.  We ended up leaving later than anticipated after I took careful time to make sure everything was in order (one of the perks of having a flexible schedule!  Luckily my cousin had a very go-with-the flow attitude :) ).  It was perfect driving weather--bright and sunny!  It only started to rain about a half hour before we reached our stopping point.  The drive went pretty smoothly--just a small bit of traffic due to an accident nearing DC.  Since we didn't stop and visit anywhere, the most interesting thing we saw today were some humorous signs. When we stopped for gas & dinner we spotted a struggling Burger King Sign that said "Try our Cheesy Tots", and our hotel proudly displayed "WE HAVE THE BEST KEPT SECRET...", conveniently located across from the awesome Carpetland USA! (oh boy!)  Happy to finally make it to a hotel with comfy beds, we relaxed and watched what was left of the Grammys.


  1. Cheesy tots are back? OMG. Why did you tell me that? I hope my sister doesn't read your post. :-)

    I've always wanted to drive across the US. Someday I will. It's very cool you don't have a super strict timetable and you have some flexibility. It should make the drive a lot nicer.

    The mom in me is bursting with advice like stick together always, don't let the tank run too low, alway take the opportunity to use a rest room if given the chance, don't talk to strangers, keep your cell phones charged, and check in often. I can't help myself. It's a really bad habit I have.

    1. You should! This is definitely a great experience :) And thanks for the caring and advice :)

  2. And more advice from MomII, just do it! Splurge on the attractions. You may never pass that way again. Love you both. I have total confidence in your level headed personas. See as much as you can cram in. I treasure my cross country trip 42 years on.
