Saturday, February 16, 2013

Don't Mess With Texas

Wednesday, February 13 - Saturday, February 16

Howdy!  Since the last post we've made our way to the Lone Star State.  After our wonderful day in Memphis we drove through Arkansas into Texas and stopped in Dallas.  Now I won't lie and say there seemed like much to see in Arkansas, but I never knew it could look so pretty:
(unedited, on the road in Arkansas)

We got into Dallas pretty late, and the next morning we invested our time in the Sixth Floor Museum, which is about JFK's assassination (it's on the sixth floor of the Texas School Book Depository building, where it was concluded that Lee Harvey Oswald shot JFK from).  With your admission they give each visitor and audio tour device, to which you listen as you make your way through the museum full of photos, videos, and artifacts.  The audio tour is extremely well-done.  I enjoy museums, though many times I feel like I pass through and look at a bunch of things without absorbing much information--this audio tour provides a lot of information presented in a memorable way.  The narrator of the tour is a man who was a reporter present that day at Dealey Plaza, and they have several other speakers such as citizens watching the parade that day.  The museum was put together so well it brought tears to my eyes.  I found this museum particularly interesting because I've had a special interest in JFK since and extensive project I did on the former president in seventh grade.  Though I knew most of the information presented at the museum, it only added to my affinity for the topic.  Unfortunately, photography is prohibited on the sixth floor, but after your tour you can go up to the seventh floor where you can take pictures from the window right above Oswald's perch.  Also, for those interested in the controversy of this history, the museum covers the disputes many have about it, touching on conspiracy theories (though they don't talk very much about the mafia) and explaining why people remain skeptical without glaringly favoring an explanation, or at the very least not shooting any theories down.  The audio tour even includes clips of some skeptics explaining their reasoning.

Where JFK was Shot, Taken From Seventh Floor, Right Above Oswald's Perch
After this sobering yet enjoyable experience, we began our next leg of the trip towards San Antonio.  My cousin has relatives there (other side of her family) who generously welcomed us into their home.  The night we arrived they treated us to a wonderful TexMex dinner at Rita's on the Riverwalk.  The San Antonio Riverwalk is absolutely beuatiful! It's lined with restaurants, shops, hotels, etc. and has a fun, bustling atmosphere.  We sufficiently stuffed ourselved with queso, tacos, and enchiladas before heading back to the house to retire for the night.  

The next day after visiting with my cousin's grandmother (who was always sweet to me as if she were my grandmother too), we all had another delectable TexMex meal at the Alamo Cafe (yum!).

Then we headed to a real Texas rodeo.  At the rodeo we saw bucking broncos, roping, bull riding, etc.  


One of my favorite parts was Mutton Busting, where they put little kids on the back of sheep to hold on like riding a bucking bronco.  It was adorable :)  Following the rodeo was a One Republic concert.  I never really actively listened to them, and I thought I had heard maybe one of their songs but I actually recognized a lot of the songs they played.  They put on a great show with a bunch of fun covers.  My favorite part was when they performed a mash-up up Seven Nation Army by the White Stripes and Sexy Back by Justin Timberlake.

The next morning after saying our goodbyes and thanking everyone for being so wonderful to us, we hit the road again, and before we left texas we knew we had to find some authentic Texas BBQ.  As it Turns out, West Texas is VERY undeveloped (pretty, but not many restaurants along the highway).  We finally saw a sign for a place called Lum's BBQ in Junction, TX.  We were a little wary at first of this gas-station eatery, but we definitely made the right decision in stopping there!  The food was PHENOMENAL.  I thoroughly enjoyed the best pulled-pork sandwich I ever had, while my cousin lovingly feasted on her brisket sandwich.

This Picture Doesn't do Justice to how Pretty our Drive Was


  1. Did you find out what the flashing headlights meant?That can mean that there is a cop ahead waiting to give you a ticket.

  2. no, it's still a mystery. And that was the first thing we thought, but we never saw a cop.
