Wednesday, February 13, 2013

The Most Awesome Day So Far

Wednesday, February 13

When we set out on this trip, I had no idea how much I would enjoy Memphis.  Our only plans were to see Graceland, and though I was quite excited to see the King's palace, I didn't know all that was in store for us.  While driving the other day I happened to spot a colorful brochure at a rest stop for a soul music museum that said "The Louvre is great, but you can't dance to Da Vinci", and we added the Stax Museum to our Memphis plans without much of a second though.

This morning we followed the directions to the museum, and it turns out it's in a very run-down area.  At first we actually debated whether we should go in and leave our car full of stuff, but boy am I glad we decided to go in.  The Stax Museum is the coolest museum I've ever been to!  It's a museum of American soul music at what was the site of the Stax record label (that signed musicians like Booker T. & the M.G.'s and Otis Retting--ever heard of them?).  I knew this place was something special from the moment I stepped inside, welcomed by funky decor and excellent music.  And you know you're in an awesome museum when museum staff tells you "Enjoy, and don't dance too hard."

The museum chronicles the history of soul music (of course touching upon gospel, blues, jazz, and country) through an incredible collection of memorabilia and nicely displayed information--and yes, there is incredible music playing throughout the museum.  The items on display include apparel and instruments that belonged to many notable musicians, such as Ike and Tina Turner's snazzy digs and the organ used to record Green Onions.  I never took much note of how incredible the fashionable expression of soul musicians was--this museum had some very eccentric and elaborate ensembles. They even had Isaac Hayes's super-swanky blue and gold Cadillac.

Another feature of the museum was its impressive gift shop--they had practically everything, including potholders with the selling point that "if it's too hot to handle, it must be from Stax".  What's really terrific about the Stax museum is that it's connected with Soulsville Charter School, which gives students an excellent opportunity to learn and prepare for college while supporting a new generation of the soul music community.  The museum profits go towards the school--so by purchasing a ticket and some (totally rad) souvenirs, you're not only treating yourself, but you're financially supporting a wonderful cause.

If you're ever in Memphis, GO to the Stax Museum.  It was my favorite part of the trip so far, and I'm SO glad I stumbled upon the brochure at a rest stop along the road.  

While Stax was amazing, we of course still had to make our pilgrimage to Graceland!  So we headed from the soul museum to Elvis's home (only about 15 minutes apart).  Not only did Elvis have a big home (that he purchased at age 22!!), but the decorations were staggering.  The living room was decorated with stained glass peacocks, and the pool room was entirely covered in funky fabric.  It was awe-inspiring to see the unbelievable amount of awards Elvis won displayed all together.  And I never before knew how charitable he was--today I gained a whole new level of respect for Mr. Presley.  I also was unaware that Elvis is actually buried at Graceland.  There were tons of flowers placed at the gravesite as well as notes from fans.  It's hard to believe how profoundly influential one man can be--in his time as well as today.  People come from all over the world to pay their respects to Elvis at his resting place.

This trip has included a lot of music, and I am absolutely loving it.  Today was my favorite day of our journey so far, and I can't say enough what a wonderful time I had in Memphis.  The Stax Museum and Graceland are the perfect formula for an incredible day!

The Stax Museum of American Sould Music
Ike and Tina Turner's Sweet Digs 
The Organs Used to Record "Green Onions" by Booker T. and the M.G.'s 
Records Displayed in the Stax Museum 
Isaac Hayes's Pimpin' Ride 

In the Words of the King...

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